NVLF helps universities build a stronger community of supporters — alumni, donors and other allies — for military-connected students
The NVLF’s Leadership Forum is an annual gathering that brings together campus teams—including military-veteran directors, development officers, marketing experts, and career resource leaders—to enhance support for military-veteran students.
Through a combination of expert presentations and collaborative brainstorming sessions, participants develop actionable plans to elevate the support provided to military-affiliated students across their campuses. The forum serves as a distinctive platform that unites campus teams with the shared goal of amplifying both internal and external awareness and assistance for military-connected students.
Leadership Forum 2024
The National Veterans Leadership Foundation recently hosted its 2024 Leadership Forum, a premier event designed for college Military & Veteran directors, development officers, career service leaders, and marketing and communication professionals from NVLF-affiliated schools. Held in Dallas, Texas, this year’s forum offered an exceptional platform for participants to exchange knowledge, gain valuable insights, and draw inspiration by tapping into the collective expertise of their peers.

The NVLF awards seed funding for events and activities that increase the visibility of military students on campus while also bringing leaders and supporters from the military, government, and corporate sectors to the campus.